The Last Book Reviews of 2018

I mentioned that I was going to post a writing link-up this week. The blogger has not posted the questions as of yet, so for today's article, I am going to post all the books I've read since October. It's a little more than usual, but I had the opportunity to read both nonfiction and fiction, and I am excited to share my opinions on these books with you guys. Sorry, the pictures are out of order!

And of course, have a Merry Christmas! I'm not going to forget about that.

Books Read

The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
Publisher's Summary
Ephesians: Our Immeasurable Blessings in Christ by John MacArthur
Though attempting to live a transformed life by the power of the Holy Spirit, the church in Ephesus was immersed in an evil culture and surrounded by sin and pagan ways. Discouraged believers needed a reminder of God’s grace and love, of the blessings they had in Jesus Christ, and of their commitment to holiness.

Written by the apostle Paul as a letter of encouragement and admonition, Ephesians gives a refresher course in New Testament doctrine and provides a practical blueprint for Christian behavior. Through this letter, Paul shows us our continual need for God’s help and demonstrates that everything good we enjoy is an expression of His great love.

The MacArthur Bible Studies provide intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture. Each guide incorporates extensive commentary, detailed observations on overriding themes, and probing questions to help you study the Word of God with guidance from John MacArthur.
Ship of Fools by Tucker Carlson
The popular FOX News star of Tucker Carlson Tonight offers his signature fearless and funny political commentary on how America’s ruling class has failed everyday Americans in the #1 New York Times Bestseller.“You look on in horror, helpless and desperate.
You have nowhere to go.
You’re trapped on a ship of fools.”
—From the Introduction

In Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution, Tucker Carlson tells the truth about the new American elites, a group whose power and wealth has grown beyond imagination even as the rest of the country has withered. The people who run America now barely interact with it. They fly on their own planes, ski on their own mountains, watch sporting events far from the stands in sky boxes. They have total contempt for you.

“They view America the way a private equity firm sizes up an aging conglomerate,” Carlson writes, “as something outdated they can profit from. When it fails, they’re gone.”

In Ship of Fools, Tucker Carlson offers a blistering critique of our new overlords. Traditional liberals are gone, he writes. The patchouli-scented hand-wringers who worried about whales and defended free speech have been replaced by globalists who hide their hard-edged economic agenda behind the smokescreen of identity politics. They’ll outsource your job while lecturing you about transgender bathrooms. Left and right, Carlson says, are no longer meaningful categories in America. “The rift is between those who benefit from the status quo, and those who don’t.”

Our leaders are fools, Carlson concludes, “unaware that they are captains of a sinking ship.” But in the signature and witty style that viewers of Tucker Carlson Tonight have come to enjoy, his book answers the all-important question: How do we put the country back on course?
Galatians: The Wondrous Grace of God by John MacArthur
An urgent letter to the early churches in Asia Minor, Galatians expresses Paul’s concern for the spiritual welfare of the early believers. The central doctrine of Christianity was being undermined and confusion was growing as false teachers began to teach that faith in Christ was not enough for salvation.

In an earnest attempt to salvage the truth and integrity of the gospel, Paul penned Galatians—a book that would encourage hundreds of generations of Christians to remain steadfast in their faith. While contrasting grace and law, faith and works, Paul defends the theological and practical implications of Christianity and encourages believers—then and now—to live a holy life that bears much fruit.

The MacArthur Bible Studies provide intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture. Each guide incorporates extensive commentary, detailed observations on overriding themes, and probing questions to help you study the Word of God with guidance from John MacArthur.

Winning Elections: Political Campaign Management, Strategy, and Tactics

This is an advanced guide to running political campaigns. It provides invaluable, practical advice from the leading pros in the industry.

The Life and Death of Mahatma Ghandi by Robert Payne

This is the heroic story of the man whose non-violent movement transformed India both spiritually and politically as it impelled the nation along the road to independence. With consummate skill, in a narration that never flags in vividness and drama, Robert Payne re-creates Mahatma Gandhi both as a spiritual and historical force and as a living personality. Beginning with the moving story of a shy, awkward boy from a provincial Indian city who married at thirteen, then was separated from his bride for years while he read law in London, the book describe Gandhi's life as a successful barrister in South Africa who turned his back on wealth to defend Indian settlers against discrimination and persecution. In the tradition of his best-selling biographies of Lenin and Schweitzer, Robert Payne's life brings Gandhi alive as a rounded personality. Payne superbly describes Gandhi's daring marches to aid the oppressed, his fasts and imprisonments, his historic achievements at international congresses and conferences in India and England where, clad only in shawl and loincloth, he met with prime ministers and viceroys and won their respect as he fought for the dignity and freedom of his people.

Star Wars Battlefront II: Inferno Squad by Christie Golden

Set in the aftermath of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, this action-packed prequel to Battlefront II introduces the Empire’s elite force: Inferno Squad.

The Rebellion may have heroes like Jyn Erso and Luke Skywalker. But the Empire has Inferno Squad.

After the humiliating theft of the Death Star plans and the resulting destruction of the battle station, the Empire is on the defensive. In response to this stunning defeat, the Imperial Navy has authorized the formation of an elite team of soldiers, known as Inferno Squad. Their mission: infiltrate and eliminate the remnants of Saw Gerrera’s Partisans. Following the death of their leader, the Partisans have carried on his extremist legacy, determined to thwart the Empire—no matter what the cost. Now, Inferno Squad must prove their status as the best of the best and take down the Partisans from within. But as the danger intensifies and the threat of discovery grows, how far will Inferno Squad go to ensure the safety of the Empire? In this thrilling prequel to Battlefront II, the Empire’s handpicked team will be forged in fire.

Tenney by Kellen Hertz

Tenney's biggest dream is to share what's in her heart through music. Little does she know, she's about to get the opportunity of a lifetime. In this first book, Tenney gets invited to perform solo at Nashville's famed Bluebird Cafe and the pressure is on to write the song that will show what she's made of. But then Tenney's parents decide that she's too young to perform professionally, leaving her future hanging in the balance. What if this is Tenney's only chance to make her dreams come true?

The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

This famous story of man's progress through life in search of salvation remains one of the most entertaining allegories of faith ever written. Set against realistic backdrops of town and country, the powerful drama of the pilgrim's trials and temptations follows him in his harrowing journey to the Celestial City.

Along a road filled with monsters and spiritual terrors, Christian confronts such emblematic characters as Worldly Wiseman, Giant Despair, Talkative, Ignorance, and the demons of the Valley of the Shadow of Death. But he is also joined by Hopeful and Faithful.

An enormously influential 17th-century classic, universally known for its simplicity, vigor, and beauty of language, The Pilgrim's Progress remains one of the most widely read books in the English language.

Thrawn by Timothy Zahn

One of the most cunning and ruthless warriors in the history of the Galactic Empire, Grand Admiral Thrawn is also one of the most captivating characters in the Star Wars universe, from his introduction in bestselling author Timothy Zahn’s classic Heir to the Empire through his continuing adventures in Dark Force Rising, The Last Command, and beyond. But Thrawn’s origins and the story of his rise in the Imperial ranks have remained mysterious. Now, in Star Wars: Thrawn, Timothy Zahn chronicles the fateful events that launched the blue-skinned, red-eyed master of military strategy and lethal warfare into the highest realms of power—and infamy.

After Thrawn is rescued from exile by Imperial soldiers, his deadly ingenuity and keen tactical abilities swiftly capture the attention of Emperor Palpatine. And just as quickly, Thrawn proves to be as indispensable to the Empire as he is ambitious; as devoted as its most loyal servant, Darth Vader; and a brilliant warrior never to be underestimated. On missions to rout smugglers, snare spies, and defeat pirates, he triumphs time and again—even as his renegade methods infuriate superiors while inspiring ever greater admiration from the Empire. As one promotion follows another in his rapid ascension to greater power, he schools his trusted aide, Ensign Eli Vanto, in the arts of combat and leadership, and the secrets of claiming victory. But even though Thrawn dominates the battlefield, he has much to learn in the arena of politics, where ruthless administrator Arihnda Pryce holds the power to be a potent ally or a brutal enemy.

All these lessons will be put to the ultimate test when Thrawn rises to admiral and must pit all the knowledge, instincts, and battle forces at his command against an insurgent uprising that threatens not only innocent lives but also the Empire’s grip on the galaxy—and his own carefully laid plans for future ascendancy.

Thrawn: Alliances by Timothy Zahn

Grand Admiral Thrawn and Darth Vader team up against a threat to the Empire in this thrilling novel from bestselling author Timothy Zahn.

"I have sensed a disturbance in the Force."

Ominous words under any circumstances, but all the more so when uttered by Emperor Palpatine. On Batuu, at the edges of the Unknown Regions, a threat to the Empire is taking root--its existence little more than a glimmer, its consequences as yet unknowable. But it is troubling enough to the Imperial leader to warrant investigation by his most powerful agents: ruthless enforcer Lord Darth Vader and brilliant strategist Grand Admiral Thrawn. Fierce rivals for the emperor's favor, and outspoken adversaries on Imperial affairs--including the Death Star project--the formidable pair seem unlikely partners for such a crucial mission. But the Emperor knows it's not the first time Vader and Thrawn have joined forces. And there's more behind his royal command than either man suspects.

In what seems like a lifetime ago, General Anakin Skywalker of the Galactic Republic, and Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, officer of the Chiss Ascendancy, crossed paths for the first time. One on a desperate personal quest, the other with motives unknown . . . and undisclosed. But facing a gauntlet of dangers on a far-flung world, they forged an uneasy alliance--neither remotely aware of what their futures held in store.

Now, thrust together once more, they find themselves bound again for the planet where they once fought side by side. There they will be doubly challenged--by a test of their allegiance to the Empire . . . and an enemy that threatens even their combined might.

Things I Liked
Ship of Fools by Tucker Carlson

This is essentially a guide to the hypocrisy of liberal America in different categories such as feminism, environmentalism, wars, immigration, diversity, etc. The facts are presented very clearly with proofs and Tucker Carlson is right to the point on every topic.

Winning Elections: Political Campaign Management, Strategy, and Tactics

This was a really long and boring book but is a great guide if you are running for an election. There are many technical political terms and a lot of the facts are repeated since this is a collection of articles from 120 different authors. Not a good read but very informative.

The Life and Death of Mahatma Ghandi by Robert Payne

I brought this book to read on my two week trip to China. It took me a little less than that to read it, but the book is 700 pages long which is really annoying. Having said that, the book is extremely thorough as expected. I learned a lot about Mahatma Ghandi, a historical figure that I didn't take much time to study before. The author does a very good job at impartially presenting information. I read another of his biographies about Adolf Hitler, and this one did not disappoint. If you love history, this would be a great biography to pick up.

Star Wars Battlefront II: Inferno Squad by Christie Golden

For Black Friday, my family got an XBOX One S because I was begging to play Star Wars Battlefront II. I had already watched the campaign and gotten to know the new characters which were introduced in the game. This book is the story that precedes the video game campaign. And for those people who keep saying that the game campaign's story is not sufficient enough, you're supposed to read this book first. And this book is worth reading.

I didn't think I was going to love this book and the characters, but I did so much. Inferno Squad is a team of four of the Empire's elite soldiers who each excel in certain areas: Iden Versio (the leader who survived the destruction of the Death Star), Gideon Hask (he's a pretty good pilot although not as good as Iden), Del Meeko (he's good with mechanics, droids, and technology), and Seyn Marana (who speaks/knows at least twenty languages).

They infiltrate a group of Saw Gerrera's radical rebels. Because the book is from the Empire's point of view, I thought it was going to darker and a more calloused view of the galaxy. But each of them learned so much more than what the Empire was teaching them. It sets up the video game campaign so well. And there's a character that hasn't been seen since the Clone Wars...

The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

I read this for my homeschool book report. First of all, I'm going to say that this book is really hard to read and understand. Obviously, the language is in an older form of English. But besides that, this book has so much to teach every Christian. Since it is an allegory, the symbols that are used relate so much to every Christian's life. It may be hard to understand at first though. I would give this classic a read anyways.

Tenney by Kellen Hertz

I usually don't review American Girl books, but I'm putting this one out here. Overall, it's a pretty good book. As someone who was in music for a while, I found things that I instantly related to regarding performing and songwriting. The reason I decided to write a review for this book is because the message is a little confusing.

Tenney wants to become a singer/songwriter, so she is actively pursuing that path. However, her parents think she is too young and don't really want her to pursue that path yet. Basically, at the end of the book, Tenney and her parents kind of reach a compromise. Her parents realize that she is growing up and that they can't stop her from pursuing her dreams. And she realizes that they are looking out for her interests.

That's the main theme of the book. I know that some parents might not agree with the way that Tenney's parents handled the situation. However, I found the book inspiring. I just wanted to put that out there.
Thrawn by Timothy Zahn

Another Star Wars book. This is another I would highly recommend especially if you love reading Sherlock Holmes and psychological mysteries. Thrawn is like the Sherlock Holmes of Star Wars and although he does work for the Empire, I still found this book really interesting. I didn't think the book was really heavy on "bad guy stuff" at all. Thrawn is so good at strategizing and reading body language, and I loved the addition of Eli Vanto, as a "sidekick" per se. Timothy Zahn did such a great job with this book. It's astoundingly logical.

Thrawn: Alliances by Timothy Zahn

This is part two to the Thrawn trilogy. This book wasn't as good as the previous one, but it was still an interesting story. Basically, Thrawn and Darth Vader have to join forces to investigate a disturbance in the Force. Most of the story was Thrawn telling Vader to be patient and to trust him. So there was not a lot of action or genius on that side of the story. What I found interesting was the flashback story of Thrawn and Anakin Skywalker. But still a pretty good book overall.
Ephesians: Our Immeasurable Blessings in Christ by John MacArthur: R (Recommend)
Ship of Fools by Tucker Carlson: R (Recommend)
Galatians: The Wondrous Grace of God by John MacArthur: R (Recommend)
Winning Elections: Political Campaign Management, Strategy, and Tactics: R (Recommend) only for those running a campaign
The Life and Death of Mahatma Ghandi by Robert Payne: R (Recommend)
Star Wars Battlefront II: Inferno Squad by Christie Golden: HR (Highly Recommend)
Tenney by Kellen Hertz: PR (Partially Recommend)
The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan: R (Recommend)
Thrawn by Timothy Zahn: HR (Highly Recommend)
Thrawn: Alliances by Timothy Zahn: R (Recommend)


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