About Me: An Imprint

Allo (That was an allusion to Hercule Poirot), readers! My name is Chinalyi, and welcome to my blog! I love history, geography, literature, writing, and crime fiction novels so that is what I will be posting about.

I live in Southern California and have two siblings. I have a brother and an adorable two-year old sister, but no pets (I'm working on that). I am homeschooled and I just began a long, tiresome 11th grade year. My favorite subjects are history, geography, and literature. I love history since I believe that learning about the past helps me make better decisions in the future. I have always found it fascinating to memorize locations on a map, and then learn about each countries’ cultures. I probably received my desire to travel from my study of geography. Literature class is always appealing to an avid reader. I was introduced to both of my favorite book series in Literature class.

Speaking of literature, I would highly recommend The Tod Moran Mystery Series by Howard Pease. These books recount the adventures Tod Moran has with his friends as they solve mysteries mostly aboard American tramp steamers as sailors. The books were written from 1920 to 1960. My favorite book series is the Hercule Poirot Series by Agatha Christie. These books explore my favorite genre of literature: murder mystery. Some of my favorite books are from this series. I also read the biographies written by Janet and Geoff Benge and published by YWAM Publishing and Emerald Books, and I still enjoy the books published by American Girl.

With my love of reading comes my passion for writing. I began writing plays when I was eight. I wrote my first short story in fifth grade and my first actual poem in eighth grade. I love writing many things, and I am also attempting to write a novel.

Welcome to Histories and Mysteries!


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