The General Schedule

Welcome back! This week's topic is the schedule that I will be following when I post. I have decided that last week's post, and this week's as well are "unofficial" posts. My official posts will start off next week when I began following my organized procedure. This will be easier for my readers to follow each week. I will write on three assigned topics each month, and I'll write something regarding the miscellaneous section on the spare weeks. So, let's jump right in!
  • World History (1st Monday): My first topic is over World History. George Santayana said, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." And that has certainly been the case in history. In World War II, Adolf Hitler made the same mistake as Napoleon Bonaparte, men have attempted to establish world peace through political methods countless times, and everyone has heard of prevention of war by diplomacy. History is essential to avoiding the mistakes of the past, and making the best decisions in the future. Sadly, it has been replaced in many schools with Social studies, the art of getting along with society. Social studies echoes the motto of uniformitarianism: "The present is the key to the past." But that is incorrect; it is the past that can be the key to the present and ultimately, the future, if we choose to use it. I will be following the chronology presented in A Beka Book's 10th grade textbook, World History and Cultures. Scientific discoveries, various philosophies, and technological advancements will also be discussed.
  • World Geography (2nd Monday): If after reading the paragraph over World History, you were thinking, "Wow, this is a very boring blog," geography is a topic that appeals to all audiences. Geography not only studies landforms, cartography, topography, climates, and navigation; but it includes culture as well. After all, it would be very difficult to travel without knowing any culture (including landmarks) of your vacation site. Geography also aids history in understanding the happenings of the world by providing insight into cultures and locations. I will be following the guidelines of World Geography, A Beka Book's 9th grade textbook.
  • Literature (3rd Monday): Besides being a popular hobby for many, literature assists historical studies by providing the worldview or philosophy of a particular era. Literature can also present moral truths (correctly or incorrectly) and can give people an understanding of human nature. Literature is a mirror of its author. Each work of literature should be compared to the greatest classic of all: the Bible, God's holy, inerrant, and eternal Word.
  • Miscellaneous (Extra Mondays): I will choose a miscellaneous topic to write about. Comment below about what you as the reader would like me to post about.
Before I close, I'd like to share a Bible verse. Proverbs 16:9 says: "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." This verse explains that although we may have a "perfect" idea of our future, God is ultimately in control, and that it is His plan that shall be accomplished. This verse gives us hope for the Christian; We can trust that God establishes the best plan for our lives.


  1. Hello Readers,
    Feel free to post a comment or question after a post! This particular article asked the readers to comment below about a miscellaneous topic they'd like to see me write about.


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