The General Schedule
Welcome back! This week's topic is the schedule that I will be following when I post. I have decided that last week's post, and this week's as well are "unofficial" posts. My official posts will start off next week when I began following my organized procedure. This will be easier for my readers to follow each week. I will write on three assigned topics each month, and I'll write something regarding the miscellaneous section on the spare weeks. So, let's jump right in! World History (1st Monday): My first topic is over World History. George Santayana said, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." And that has certainly been the case in history. In World War II, Adolf Hitler made the same mistake as Napoleon Bonaparte, men have attempted to establish world peace through political methods countless times, and everyone has heard of prevention of war by diplomacy. History is essential to avoiding the mistakes of the past...