The Language of Worlds Link-Up: July/August 2018

Today's article is another Language of Worlds Link-Up. You can check out the first one I participated in right here. The rules are below and I have another set of ten questions to answer about my two main characters: Karla and Jeff. According to the rules, I needed to link back to Liv K. Fisher and I have used the graphic above.

1.Where does your character live, and how does that impact them?
Karla lived in Texas because she attends a college there. I'm still very much in the planning stage of this story, so I really haven't figured out why she wanted to attend college out of state. She moves back to Los Angeles which affects her relationship with her brother.
Jeff lives in Los Angeles and works at the police station there. I mean, he really could have been a detective anywhere, but I chose Los Angeles because I am familiar with most of the area and I am really comfortable with writing about city life.
2. If they could book a vacation to anywhere in the/their world, where would they go and why?

Karla would probably visit somewhere romantic like Paris or somewhere popular like New York City or London.

Jeff would probably love to go to an island and do a bunch of adventurous things because he's quite the thrill-seeker. He would go surfing at the beach and sleep in a hammock. And of course, on an island he has use for his beloved pair of sunglasses.

3. On a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high), how ambitious are they?

Karla is ambitious when she needs to be (school, career, etc.), maybe 4 or 5 according to this scale.

Jeff is extremely ambitious because he feels like he has always been in Karla's shadow. 10 may not even describe the degree of his ambition.

4. What do they want to achieve long-term?

Karla wants a nice little family and a stable writing job. I guess that's it.

I already mentioned that Jeff is ambitious. Becoming Supreme Chancellor of the galaxy is probably in his goals somewhere. He just wants to be noticed and appreciated. But anyways, he is one power-hungry individual.

5. Who inspires them?

The people around her like her mom and family friends inspire Karla the most.

Jeff finds most inspiring the people who worked very hard and succeeded through intelligence to get from the bottom to the top. So presidents and owners of corporations and inventors.

6. How would they handle seclusion?

Both Karla and Jeff would hate being secluded. Karla loves being around people, especially her friends.

Jeff could handle seclusion a lot longer, but eventually, he would need to be around someone, especially someone to share his successes with.

7. Are they a cat person, or a dog person?

Both would be dog people. Karla would like cats too, but if she had to chose between the two, it would definitely be dogs.

Jeff would be like Snoopy and hate cats forever (sorry, all you cat people).

8. What's their favorite type of weather?

Karla would love a sunny day with a slight breeze and some clouds.

Jeff needs to sun to shine upon his face so the glare off his sunglasses as he drives down the road in a convertible can make him look cool.

9. When they're hungry, does it show? How?

Everyone's stomach ends up rumbling when they are hungry. Karla would probably finish whatever she is doing first and politely get some food to eat.

Jeff eats food while he does his work all the time. Because FOOD. You can tell that I'm a little hungry while writing this article.

10. What's one Bible verse your character would identify with?

Karla's verse would be Proverbs 3:5-6 because she is inclined to deal with her problems and trials with her own wisdom. " Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths."

Jeff's verse would be Luke 12:7. “Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” He needs to feel special a lot of the time and remembering that God is taking care of him is helpful.

I'm going to say that those two verses under the last question are the verses of the week. Enjoy your week!


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