The Language of Worlds Link-Up: May/June 2018

You might notice this beautiful picture above. No, it's not mine; I'm too lazy to make beautiful pictures for all my articles. Liv K. Fisher is hosting this writing link-up since the Beautiful People link-up is ending. It's basically like an ongoing tag that multiple blogs will post about. For those of you who are wondering Beautiful People was hosted by Cait of Paper Fury and Sky of Further Up & Further In.

I will be answering ten questions per link-up about my current WIP (Work in Progress). Although it is September, I wanted to participate in the link-up. I think there will be some more posts during the summer and holiday seasons. I am very sorry for not posting this earlier. I thought that the article would be too short so I waited for the next set of questions and then realized that the article was long enough.

I have followed all of the rules above (the links to the posts are in the headings below). I pretty much only write speculative Christian fiction and I will comment on Liv's blog saying that I have done the link-up.

1. Introduce your character and his/her story!

I decided to answer each question with two of my characters. Both of them are pretty important to the story although the novel only begins with Karla. Jeff is introduced much later.

Karla moves back to Los Angeles after living in Texas for college. She is trying to figure out what to do next and ends up ignoring her brother, Jeff, who is very glad to see her again. Jeff was recently hired as a police detective. His best friend, Randolph, is kind of his mentor since Jeff feels like he has to a lot to prove by way of success. Karla and Jeff reconcile while trying to solve the murder of Jeff's friend.

2.What does he/she (your character) look for in a friend? Consciously or subconsciously?

Karla consciously looks for a friend who cares about her but knows when to just be silent and listen or when to give good advice. She also wants to be friends with someone who she shares likes/dislikes with and can have very light-hearted talks with.

Jeff is the type of guy who consciously doesn't really know what friends are for. He's a little more on the self-sufficient side. But subconsciously, he loves to have a friend that he can hang-out with. If he is close to someone, he will make the effort to keep that friendship going sometimes by being a little needy. But otherwise, around people he just met, he will be pretty cocky and confident.

3. If he/she could study any foreign language, what would it be?

I think Karla would really be into speaking British with the accent and all. Yes, British is a foreign language. Haven't you heard all of the weird words they have in their vocabulary?

Jeff would probably take one year of Spanish in high school and think he's set for life linguistically.

4. Which person from the Bible would he/she be besties with? Why?

Karla has as many flaws as she has positive traits. She would probably be a good friend with Martha. They both are kind of rushing a lot to do what is right, sometimes at the expense of listening to sound wisdom.

Jeff would need a very patient friend who can see past his façade of confidence and knowledge. Maybe the apostle Peter, because Peter was very confident and impetuous, and he failed miserably as well. But he didn't let his regrets to stop him from finding forgiveness and preaching the gospel.

5. If he/she were to visit you for a week, what would you do together?

Karla and I would probably do whatever girls do when they hang out. Paint nails, talk, drink coffee (I would be drinking hot cocoa since I don't like coffee), and maybe watch a Hallmark movie (because why not?). We would talk about our novels and do word sprints and chill out mostly.

My brother said that if Jeff came over, we would just wreak havoc probably more intellectually than physically. It would be a war zone of proving who's right.

6. What is his/her ideal future?

Karla wants have a nice little family and get published. She strikes me as one of those writer's who want to be as popular as J.K. Rowling.

Jeff wants to be the Sheriff of Los Angeles County, maybe run for president, be king of the moon, whatever comes next. He's pretty ambitious.

7. If he/she were to spend a weekend alone, what sort of pastimes would he/she pursue?

Karla would spend time writing, reading, and shopping with friends.

Jeff would probably watch TV and eat donuts or go to a sports game.

8. If you could send your character a care package, what would be in it?

Karla's care package:
  • A decorative notebook and pen
  • A gift card to a clothing store
  • A coffee mug
  • Headphones
Jeff's care package
  • A box of donuts
  • Tickets to a football game
  • Another pair of sunglasses
  • Movie tickets
  • A book on humility
9. Is there a song that describes your character's journey?
For Karla, it would probably be "You Lead" by Jamie Grace.

Jeff is trying really hard to prove that he can be as successful as Karla is. He wants that attention, but he eventually comes to realize that he doesn't need to prove his worth to people, since he is a child of God. His song is "Hello, My Name Is" by Matthew West.

10. What is your character's place in the story (hero, antihero, villain, sidekick, etc.)?
Karla and Jeff are both main characters for the most part. I might write from Karla's POV a little more, but their story's are equally important to the plot.
I hope you enjoyed hearing about the characters in my novel. The next Language of Worlds Link-Up July/August 2018 will be posted on October 15th, so stay tuned for that. The quote for today is the chorus of "You Lead" by Jamie Grace which you can listen to above.
You lead, I'll follow, Your hands hold my tomorrow,
Your grip, Your grace, You know the way,
You guide me tenderly,
When you lead, I'll follow,
Just light the way and I'll go,
'Cause I know what you got for me is more then I can see,
So lead me on, on, on, on and on,
Just lead me on, on, on and on,


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