The Book Lover's Questionnaire Tag

This week's article at "Histories and Mysteries" is a little different. I am trying a tag which is essentially a list of questions that bloggers answer and then ask other bloggers to answer. Today's tag is the "Book Lover's Questionnaire Tag." At the end of the article, I will tag some friends, but here are the questions below. Note: Although I get these questions from various blogs, I modified the tag by cutting some of the questions. 1. Do you have a specific place for reading? Not really. I’ll usually read on the recliner in my living room, but I will find myself reading anywhere as long as I can sit down and lean back. 2. Bookmark or random piece of paper? Bookmark because I have so many pretty ones that I have collected. (The left picture are the backs and the right picture are the fronts) 3. Can you stop anywhere in a book or do you have to finish the chapter? No way, I need to finish the whole book! This only applies to crime fictio...