My 2018 Resolutions

Today’s article is about my 2018 New Year’s Resolutions. This article is completely devoted to those 2018 resolutions. By the way, comment below on what your 2018 resolutions are.

So, at the top of my list would definitely be to be ready to learn from the lessons that God will teach me in 2018. But because I don’t know which lessons I will find the most notable I didn’t include it with my list.

1. Completely rewrite my novel.

Basically, I wrote a novel in 2017 according to my 2017 resolution. I mentioned this novel before, and the profile is on my writing blog. His Plan for Me is about a young author who learns to trust in God’s plan for her life. It combines some of my favorite things to read like a murder mystery and a theme that the reader can learn from. At this point in the process, it makes no sense because I didn’t plan what I was going to write. It reads like several different plots have been combined into one manuscript. I hope to completely rewrite it this year after I have sufficiently planned the novel.

2. Go on a mission trip to Tepic.

I have been accepted into the team to go to Tepic, Mexico for a mission trip this summer. My friends went with our youth group last year, and I have heard about the great things that the Lord is doing there. I am really excited to be going, and to see firsthand God’s workings. This is going to be my first mission trip, so I am also a little apprehensive about what its going to be like. But I know that this is what God has been leading me to do.

3. Spend more time on history and politics.

Ever since I began writing, I had to take time away from watching documentaries and political talk shows. I subscribed to the White House and to, and I receive daily emails updating me on the president’s doings and what historical event takes place on a particular day. Hopefully, even though I am still writing, I will be able to keep up with all of the political news because although writing is a lot of fun, history and politics is definitely much more of a priority and it is the field that I would like to go into.

4. Attend an event at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library hosts quite a few events that range from political conferences to debate contests to book signings. They have had very notable people talk at their events including President George W. Bush, Laura Ingraham, Condoleezza Rice, Senator John McCain, and many others. I hope to be able to attend one of these events and hear a notable American speak or learn different political viewpoints at one of the conferences.

5. Journal frequently.

I decided to start a journal to record highlights and some thoughts I have had. My goal is to keep journaling even if its once a week. I don’t really want to record a lot of thoughts on paper anyways, but I record more of the highlights of the month.

6. Pass Plane Geometry.

I really do not like Plane Geometry because it is so difficult. I am doing proofs currently, and I don’t really understand what I’m doing. I’ve been remembering a lot of random stuff for this class, and it basically drains my time. So I hope to pass this class although I don’t know what I’m doing.

Here's a picture of Molly's mini
doll and first book from the
American Girl Publishing Site.

7. Buy Molly McIntire.

This is a really long story, but in the short version, American Girl retired Molly three years ago 
before I was able to get her, and I am so excited that she is coming back this year. When I found out that she was coming back, I screamed so that kind of tells how excited I was. Molly is definitely one of my favorite American Girl characters because I love the era she is in (WWII era) and also her story. I have her friend doll, Emily, and I would really like to collect Molly this year.


Those are my resolutions for 2018. Sorry, that today’s article is late. I went to winter camp, and didn’t return until this afternoon. This week’s quote is by Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest American diplomats and certainly a wise man: “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” As Christians, we should be imitating Christ more and more each year with the help of the lessons God has taught us. And we should definitely be at war with our sins, and be in harmony with God and man. 


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