The Book Lover's Questionnaire Tag

This week's article at "Histories and Mysteries" is a little different. I am trying a tag which is essentially a list of questions that bloggers answer and then ask other bloggers to answer. Today's tag is the "Book Lover's Questionnaire Tag." At the end of the article, I will tag some friends, but here are the questions below. Note: Although I get these questions from various blogs, I modified the tag by cutting some of the questions.

1. Do you have a specific place for reading?

Not really. I’ll usually read on the recliner in my living room, but I will find myself reading anywhere as long as I can sit down and lean back.

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?

Bookmark because I have so many pretty ones that I have collected. (The left picture are the backs and the right picture are the fronts)

3. Can you stop anywhere in a book or do you have to finish the chapter?

No way, I need to finish the whole book! This only applies to crime fiction novels because I have issues leaving the characters in a situation where the murderer is running around. But if it is a long biographical or information book, I can stop anywhere.

4. Music or TV while reading?

Never. I mean, who even does that? (Sorry, if you do) That is, intentionally. I have to watch the kids at my house very often so I read my book while they watch TV, but it is really hard to concentrate.

5. Do you eat or drink while reading? 

No, it interferes in flipping the pages of my book. I don't want to get the pages dirty.

6. One book at a time or several? 

If I have another really long book to read, I’ll read the shorter ones first. Or I may have an e-book and an actual paperback. So sometimes, I do read several books.

7. Reading at home or elsewhere?

I have an e-book for reading outside, but I generally read at home because I’m usually preoccupied with something else outside.

8. Read out loud or silently?

Silently, of course.

9. Do you read ahead or skip pages?

I never read ahead because I always read murder mysteries and it would be a SHAMEFUL to ever read ahead because it would spoil EVERYTHING. A HUGE NO.

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

Why would I ever want to do something so cruel to a book’s quality like breaking the spine? Just why? I do break the spine accidentally by creasing open paperback books, but I don't try to.

11. Do you write in your books?

No, that highly decreases the value and cleanliness. I won’t even highlight my Bible.


I hope that you enjoyed that article, and it's time for the tags. The rules are to answer the questions and post them on their blog. I am tagging:

Anna at Grace Iolene (or Intertwining Melodies)
Triniti and Jessica and TAJ News Blog

I hope that they will be able to try that out. Today's verse is Psalm 119:9. It says, "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word." I memorized this verse in Spanish for my Spanish 2 class just recently. This verse states that the way for the youth to keep their way of life pure is by heeding or listening to God's word. God's word tells us what we should do and what we shouldn't do. In this world, people claim that there is no truth, and that everyone can do whatever they think is right. That poses a problem because someone's "right" may be someone else's "wrong." Without a moral standard, the world would be absolutely crazy! The Bible gives us a standard for a life that will keep your living "pure" in the sight of the Lord. Because God decides the ultimate standard, the way that He instructs us to live is going to be correct. It takes a lot of trust, but following God's way is the best way to live our lives.


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