
Showing posts from August, 2017

Poetry ~ Part 2

Hello, readers! If you haven’t noticed already, I tend to write my articles in very long series, and this is not an exception. Today’s article is the second part to my series of types of poetry. Please do read the previous one before beginning this article. Lyric Poetry   This is a very wide group of poetry and includes other forms of poetry such as sonnets, songs, narrative poems, and even haiku in some instances. This type of poem is described as a type of poetry that expresses emotions and personal thoughts. It is usually written from the first-person perspective. When I thought about the definition for lyric poetry, I immediately thought about some poems by Emily Dickinson. So below is a poem by Emily Dickinson that conveys her emotions alongside being written in the first person. Chartless By Emily Dickinson   I never saw a moor,   I never saw the sea;   Yet now I know how the heather looks,     And what a wa...

The Directory (2018)

Like "The Directory (2017)," this is "The Directory (2018)" where you can find a catalogue of series and other articles. To find article by month or by topic, use the Labels and Archives setting on the sidebar. There is also an awesome "Book Review" link that will show what books I have reviewed and even sneak peeks to articles I will review soon. The Directory (2017) History Sumer: Sumer Sumerian Education Sumerian Society Sumerian Portfolio Empires: The Old Babylonian Empire and the Hittites The Assyrian Empire + The New Babylonian Empire The New Babylonian Empire ~ Part 2 The New Babylonian Empire ~ Part 3 The Persian Empire ~ Part 1 Geography The Middle East: Part 2 Israel: Introductions to Israel A Brief History of Israel Government of Israel Culture of Israel Holidays of Israel Traditions of Israel Modern Conflicts of Israel Introductions to Lebanon + History of Lebanon Literature & Writing Late 201...

Precedents to Geography ~ Part 4

It’s another part of Precedents to Geography, and read the last ones if you haven’t done so already.  Today’s article is going to be different. I am going to be talking about landforms and bodies of water and provide pictures of actual geographical locations to go alongside the descriptions.  Landforms such as canyons and oceans weren’t always here on earth. From the Bible, we know that the world before the Flood didn’t have any rain or environmental extremes anywhere. Additionally, creationist scientists believe that mountains or canyons were formed during the great catastrophe of the Flood. Most likely, the geographical formation of the earth changed during the Flood. Below I will begin to describe different formations of the earth. Note: I apologize for the strange formatting and placement of the pictures; this program is hard to place pictures in.     Mountains and Hills  Everyone has seen a mountain before, and it is basically a piece of land that ha...

The Beginning of Time ~ Part 3: International Flood Stories

Today’s article is a continuation of the Beginning of Time series. I am taking a different approach to this article as I will be covering cultural accounts of the Flood. After I will write a brief summary of the Bible’s account. But first, the reasons for the Flood need to be discussed. The Biblical account of the Flood begins in Genesis 6. This chapter tells us that “God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (verse 5)” God decided that He would destroy every living thing on the face of the earth because of the growing wickedness of the human race. But then the chapter records that “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. (verse 8)” Noah didn’t receive grace from God because he was better than everyone else (which may have been the case from the perspective of a human), but because he trusted in the Lord for salvation from his sins. This was also the case for his other family memb...