The Language of Worlds Link-Up: September/October 2018

Here's a quick shout out to Reformation Day since I was the person who forgot to schedule an article about the 500th anniversary about this historic day last year. Go ahead and read Anna's article again; that's all I can say.

Today's article is another Language of Worlds Link-Up. I'm also going to stop linking all the TLoW I've done. You can find those in the Directory or under the labels section. The rules are below and I have another set of ten questions to answer about my two main characters: Karla and Jeff. According to the rules, I needed to link back to Liv K. Fisher and I have used the graphic above.

1. What does your character fear the most?

Karla probably fears failure the most since she is used to being very successful all the time. Jeff fears losing the people he loves since he does make sure that he is protecting his family.

2. How would they handle it if they were to face their fear?

Knowing that this is fiction, they would both probably get over their fears after a while. Karla would most likely feel very discouraged and give up initially. Jeff would probably blame himself and struggle with the guilt first.

3. Do they want to get married? Why or why not?

Both of them would because … I don't have any reason for writing that. Just because.

4. What is their love language (i.e. words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts, quality time, acts of service)?

Karla's love language is acts of service and Jeff's is words of affirmation. If you are wondering, these are the five love languages. There is a quiz on this website which is what I used for my characters.

5. On a scale from 1 (messy) to 5 (organized), how do they rate?

I would say that they are both fairly organized. I'm giving Karla a 4 and Jeff a 3.

6. How do they feel about debates/disagreements?

They wouldn't love arguing, but they are really into arguing when the opportunity arises. Of course, since they are competitive they would want to win at all costs. They would both acknowledge that disagreements are normal as well.

7. What do they bring to a battle (figurative or literal)?

Since this is a contemporary, they are obviously not fighting with swords or laser cannons or something of the like. Karla is a journalist; she would argue with her writings and words. Jeff is a police detective, but if he needed to get in a literal fight, I think he would like to use his fists.

8. What's their favorite thing to eat for breakfast?

That's a really good question. I guess Karla would like something kind of light, like muffins or scones. Jeff would love a huge breakfast with eggs, bacon, and sausages. Something very filling would be ideal for him if he didn't have work that day. Realistically, he works at a police station, so he would probably eat something healthier like a bowl of granola cereal. Definitely not donuts.

9. How do they treat themselves after a long day?

Jeff watches TV (the news mostly) after work in my novel actually. Maybe I should add donuts to that. Karla would do something relaxing like curling up with a book and a cup of coffee. Or she would take a walk through a park.

10. What do you most want readers to glean from this story?

Originally, I had a whole theme planned out about trusting in God, but I decided to leave that for another story since I was overachieving with everything I was trying to put in one novel. Jeff is jealous of Karla since she is the ideal and perfect older sibling. This causes him to resent her. And Karla treats him like he's inferior and kind of leaves him aside in everything. So I guess now the theme is their reconciliation.

I know that I didn't really answer that last question, but the novel is still very much in the making. But speaking of reconciliation, the verses for this week are 2 Corinthians 5:17-18.
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled
us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation"
Later in the passage, Paul calls Christians "ambassadors" for Christ. We had ought to be pointing people to the Light of the World because there are so many lost in the darkness of the sins of this world. We cannot be silent about the truth.


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