The Fall Tag

Today, I have another tag pertaining to fall (with mentions of Christmas because why not?). I hope you enjoy hearing about some of my traditions!
1. What’s your favorite fall outfit?

If it is cold, a sweater and jeans. Most of the time, it is not cold so I just wear a T-shirt, jeans, and a jacket (or cardigan if I am going to church).

2. What is fall weather like where you live?

I live in Southern California, so September is still pretty warm. October is warm during the day, but gets colder at night to the point where you need to wear a jacket. November is actually cold, so long-sleeved shirts and jackets are needed. That is unless you are a one of those people who sing "The cold never bothered me anyway." We have a lot of those folks living here.

3. Your favorite drink to have in the fall?

I don't have any special drinks for the fall. Obviously, this tag was made to get basic white girls to tell the truth about how much they love pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks. Well, let me tell you: I am neither white nor basic.

4. Does your family have any fall traditions? If so, what are they?

We have one fall tradition for Halloween. My brother and I love to pass out candy and gospel tracts to the kids that come to our door. I enjoy it even more than going to my youth group's Halloween party. It also keeps me updated with the things kids like these days.

Since fall also includes November, we have our family Thanksgiving dinner with ham and mashed potatoes and baked salmon. We usually don't have turkey because it turns out too dry store-bought and nobody wants to make a whole turkey. The day after Thanksgiving, my dad fries the leftover ham for breakfast. And of course, at that point, I have already started listening to Christmas music.

On Black Friday, my mom and I go shopping at Target for Christmas presents. And later my dad and brother will go to an auto show in Los Angeles, so my mom and I can just hang out and play board games.

Sometimes, we will start decorating for Christmas if I beg my parents hard enough. That is, I start decorating for Christmas; everyone in my family hates decorating. But then again, the faster the tree goes up, the faster the presents come. I need to stop here before I start rambling on about all of my Christmas traditions.

5. What are some activities and events you enjoy going to in the fall months?

There is missionary week in the fall. Our church talks about missions in the main sanctuary; the children get an exclusive travel experience to learn about the cultures of different countries our missionaries are serving in (our church sponsors quite a few missionaries); and the people who went on a short-term mission trip get to talk about their experiences.

6. What’s your favorite fall-scented candle?

I don't do candles. But I do love Christmas tree scented house fresheners. I am immediately put at peace remembering the smells of Christmas.

7. Tell us about one of your favorite fall memories.

Our church used to have an event called Trunk-or-Treat that did not occur on Halloween but kids could collect candy by playing games at different booths which were decorated trunks. It has been cancelled for two years now. My youth group used to have an event where we would go to Sky Zone and bowl frozen turkeys. Then they changed the event to roller-skating.

8. What are some fall movies you enjoy watching?

The only fall movies I can think of are Halloween movies and the movies Hallmark produces for this season. Trust me; I don't watch the Hallmark fall movies. Does Frozen count since it came out during Thanksgiving? I don't even like Frozen that much. My favorites are The Mayflower Voyagers (from This is America, Charlie Brown), A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

9. What’s your favorite fall treat?

This question probably meant candy, but I will tell you what seasonal Asian delicacy I love to have
This is the type of mooncake I like.
Do not be fooled by the ornate
decorations on the other types.
This one is the best to eat.

every October: moon cakes! The moon cake festival is the only Asian holiday I even celebrate each year because I can buy a box of mooncakes and eat them during the month. A moon cake is filled with a paste (I like the red bean paste or date paste the best) and there is a egg yolk in the center. I don't know how they make it, but I love the chewy texture and the flavor is so unique. If you haven't ever had one, go buy one because you are missing out on life.

10. If you celebrate Halloween, what is the best costume you’ve worn?
I used to dress up for Halloween and my favorite costume was a cheerleader costume with the pom-poms. I was in 1st grade when I wore that costume. Nowadays, I don't have time for costumes. I do have one of the matching girl/doll dresses from American Girl that my doll and I wore for Christmas. Oh, look, I'm talking about Christmas again.
I am tagging Anna at Intertwining Melodies and Jessica at travelingfoodblogger since they are the only two bloggers I personally know. The rules are to answer the same questions above and tag as many people as you wish.
This week's verse is Psalm 34:1. "I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth." Give thanks to the Lord in all things at all times. I was seriously considering to have a verse about Christmas instead. But don't worry; Christmas will be here before you know it.


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