Bookshelf Scavenger Hunt

Today's article is the Bookshelf Scavenger Hunt Tag. Anna over at Intertwining Melodies did this in a vlog already. I would have done it in a vlog, but I couldn't find the time to record this; additionally, everyone will be able to see the book covers way better in pictures. I will not go through a summary of the book, but I will include links to reviews if those exist on my blog. Without further ado, here are the categories and my selections.

Find a book with a key on it // Closed Casket by Sophie Hannah

The American cover for Closed Casket has a gold key on the front, back, and spine. On the key is a silhouette of Hercule Poirot, the detective of the book. The book actually doesn't have to do with a key; it's more of a figurative picture of the answer to the mystery.

Find a classic // The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

This is one of my favorite classics of all time (as I might have said multiple times). I read the novel for 11th grade last fall and I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. The Biblical theme drawn from the decisions of each character made this classic a great example of the influences of sin.

Find an author’s name or title with the letter Z in it // Lea and Camila by Lisa Yee and Kellen Hertz

This is probably the only book on my shelf that has an author with Z in his/her name. Although Kellen Hertz co-authored this third book in American Girl's Lea Clark series, Lisa Yee is the only author for the first two books, Lea Dives In and Lea Leads the Way.

Find something on your bookshelf that’s not a book // A picture from Hope Out Loud Ministries

When the Barrick family with Hope Out Loud Ministries came to my church to speak, I was able to buy this piece of art to frame in my room. I put it on the top shelf of my bookshelf (because that's the only place it will fit; my bookshelf is quite full), and it encourages me when I read it. It reminds me that although other people may decide to call me things, God calls me "Beautiful, priceless, redeemed, and chosen," and His opinion is all that matters because it is the truth.

Find a book with a girl on the cover // Treasures of the Snow by Patricia St. John

This book is written by Patricia St. John but revised by Mary Mills. Most reviews have said that this edition is absolutely horrible compared to the original. I haven't read the original, but I think that this edition still makes for a very good Christian fiction book. On the cover is twelve-year old, Annette, who learns forgiveness after a tragedy that leaves her younger brother crippled. One thing I love about Patricia St. John's books is the fact that she ties certain verses as a theme to the story.

Find the oldest book on your shelf // Shanghai Passage by Howard Pease

Honestly, I do not know when Shanghai Passage book was printed. The copyright page shows 1929 which is when the book was first published. But the same page shows that the book was printed under wartime conditions so I'm guessing it was printed during America's time in World War II (1941-1945).

Find a book with a boy on the cover // Star of Light by Patricia St. John

This is another of the new editions of Patricia St. John's books. The boy on the cover is Hamid who is supposed to be African but artists usually don't regard the physical appearance of the characters. Annette on the cover of Treasures of the Snow is portrayed correctly though.

Find a book that has an animal in it // Stuart Little by E.B. White

Stuart Little is the little mouse on the cover. I thought that this book was very, very strange. I have read Charlotte's Web by the same author and I thought that that story was way better.

Find a book with a male protagonist // The Jinx Ship by Howard Pease

The Jinx Ship is in the same book series as Shanghai Passage. The Tod Moran Mystery Series is a great collection of books about Tod Moran and the mysteries and adventures he encounters as an American sailor in the early 1900s. This series although including some derogatory and crude words (which are always portrayed as racist or unacceptable) also includes patriotic and conservative lessons.

Find a book with illustrations in it // Brave Emily by Valerie Tripp

Since it is part of the historical character books for American Girl, Brave Emily includes small illustrations throughout the book. I got this book with the doll for Emily Bennett. Like other American Girl books, it is a very easy read for young girls.

Find a book with gold lettering // The Monogram Murders by Sophie Hannah

Another part of the Poirot series and also written by Sophie Hannah, the "Agatha Christie" on top has the gold lettering. This book occurs before Mystery of the Blue Train, which is actually written by Agatha Christie, and after Closed Casket.

Find a book written by someone with a common name // Bloodline by Claudia Gray

I guess "Claudia Gray" could be a common name although it is the author's pen name. This is a canon Star Wars novel set shortly before The Force Awakens.

Find a hardcover book without a jacket // Captain of the Araby by Howard Pease

This is also part of the Tod Moran Mystery Series. The copy I have doesn't have the dust jacket that is shown in the picture above.

Find a book that has a close up of something on it // The Proper Care of Guinea Pigs by Peter Gurney

I'm not sure if the guinea pigs count as close-up but whatever. I bought this guide when I was thinking of getting a guinea pig (which I did, but he died a month later). The author has like twenty guinea pigs and takes them shopping with him. That actually sounds kind of cute.

Find a book on your shelf that takes place in the earliest time period // Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

Julius Caesar takes place in 55 BC and revolves around the assassination of Julius Caesar. I never thought I would say this of a work of Shakespeare's, but I actually like this play. It is so dramatic and written in the Greek play structure. I hope that I can see a live production in London someday. I read this play in spring of last year for 10th grade.

Find a book with stars on it // Science: Earth and Space

This is an Abeka textbook from my 8th grade year. I'm not a huge fan of science classes unless it gets into physics and chemistry. Those are some of my favorite topics, but it is extremely difficult to learn. I couldn't find another book with stars on it.

Find a teal/turquoise colored book // Tahiti & French Polynesia Guide

I guess this book is kind of turquoise or teal. I bought this book for a research paper on French Polynesia and Tahiti ("It's a magical place"). I hope to travel their sometime because Tod Moran solved three mysteries in the area with his friend, Stanhope Ridley.

Find a non YA book // And Then There Were None

This category makes me laugh because I've only read one YA book in my entire life (Leia, Princess of Alderaan) and that was Star Wars. There's a lot of things in Young Adult fiction that don't appeal to me as a reader as well as other things that are inappropriate. For this category, I just chose And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. It's an astounding yet chilling story because it revolves around an "every man for himself" kind of thinking. Nobody trusts nobody. I can't wait to watch the Lifetime movie (depicted on the cover) and have nightmares for the next week.

Find the shortest book you own // American Exceptionalism by Charles Murray

I read American Exceptionalism in preparation for a essay I had to do for a college report. I'm not in college, but I took two General Education classes. This book explains the reasons that make America a special country. The book only has 59 pages.

Find a book with multiple PoVs //
The Candymakers by Wendy Mass

The Candymakers dwells on the PoVs of four kids or tweens since they are twelve and one is thirteen. Daisy, Miles, Logan, and Philip are the finalists competing on behalf of the "Life is Sweet" candy factory. There's great friendships, a little bit of mystery, a lot of surprises when one PoV fills in the details of another, and a lot of candy and chocolate. It's just a very enjoyable middle grade novel.

Find the longest book you own // Volume I of the Complete Novels and Stories of Sherlock Holmes

This edition from Bantam Classics has 1059 pages. It includes A Study in Scarlet, A Sign of Four, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, and The Return of Sherlock Holmes. The book is so small and so thick that it makes reading very difficult. That means, I would recommend buying the large Costco hardcover edition instead. I would have put my study Bible in this category, but it doesn't rest upon my shelf.

Find a shiny book // A is for Arsenic by Kathryn Harkup

All of the gold looking decorations on the page let light reflect off it. It doesn't reflect it like a mirror, but it's definitely one of the shiniest books I have on my shelf.

Find a book with flowers on it // The Tanglewoods' Secret by Patricia St. John

The Tanglewoods' Secret has daffodils on the cover at least I think so. The book mentions a lot about flowers and nature although that isn't the main point of the book. In this book, Jesus is portrayed as the Good Shepherd.
That was a lot of books and categories for one post. The quote for this week is actually a poem by Emily Dickinson. Come back next week for another history article.
There is no Frigate like a Book
By Emily Dickinson 
There is no Frigate like a Book
To take us Lands away
Nor any Coursers like a Page
Of prancing Poetry –
This Traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of Toll –
How frugal is the Chariot
That bears the Human Soul –


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