Peace Treaty Trivia Answers

Here are the answers to the other post that contained the questions. Comment below on how well you did!
  • This ended the French and Indian War. ~ Peace of Paris
  • This ended the American War for Independence. ~ Treaty of Paris
  • This was formed between Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, and Austria after the Congress of Vienna. ~ Quintuple Alliance
  • This was formed according to “the precepts of justice, Christian charity, and peace.” ~ Holy Alliance
  • This organization was formed to put down the “rumblings of revolution.”~ Congress System
  • This was made up of Russia, Great Britain, and France. ~ Triple Entente
  • This was made up of Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany. ~ Triple Alliance
  • This treaty was signed between Vladimir Lenin and Kaiser Wilhelm II drawing Russia out of WWI. ~ Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
  • This was signed after WWI declaring the verdict on Germany. ~ Treaty of Versailles
  • This was introduced by the Treaty of Versailles and Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points. ~ League of Nations
  • This was signed after WWI and outlawed war. ~ Paris Peace Accords
  • This was an alliance between the Axis Powers of WWII. ~ Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
  • This was signed between Neville Chamberlain, Edouard Daladier, and Adolf Hitler; and ceded the Sudetenland to Adolf Hitler. ~ Munich Pact
  • This was signed between Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. ~ Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact
  • This stated the plans that Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill had for the world. ~ Atlantic Treaty
  • This ended WWII. ~ Potsdam Declaration
  • This was the first permanent world peace organization. ~ United Nations
  • This organization was formed by the North Atlantic Treaty. ~ North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
  • This was formed to counter NATO. ~ Warsaw Pact
  • This was the basis for the European Union. ~ European Economic Community (EEC)
  • This is the term for Nikita Khrushchev’s trick of mellowing the Soviet Union. ~ "Peaceful Coexistence"
  • This agreed that Israel would withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula. ~ Camp David Accords
  • This was signed between the capitalists and Communists promising economic cooperation and cultural exchanges. ~ Helsinki Accords
  • This limited the production of nuclear arms between the U.S. and Soviet Union. ~ Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Treaty (SALT I)
  • This reduced arms that the U.S. and Soviet Union already had. ~ SALT II
  • This agreed that medium-range missiles were removed from Europe. ~ Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF)
  • This eliminated tariffs and trade barriers in North America. ~ North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • This is a world tribunal formed by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). ~ World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • This eliminated trade barriers between countries in Southeast Asia. ~ Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Group (APEC)
  • This traded Israel’s land for peace with the Arabs. ~ Oslo Accords
  • This gave the land of Hebron to the Palestinians. ~ Hebron Accords
  • This was a cease-fire between the Serbians, Muslims, and Bosnians. ~ Maastricht Treaty


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