2017 Summer Highlights

Although it is the last day of July, it is still July so this is a miscellaneous article about some highlights of my summer. I had a great summer break off school and I was able to do many things. The main ones are listed below: Finishing School This is a very frequent happening, but every summer I finally complete my school year. I finished 10th grade this year, and it was extremely tough compared to my previous grades. There were many changes between Jr. High and High School. I had to study harder and had to write longer reports and essays. But 10th grade was also very different from 9th grade. I had even more work to do, and had to apply logical thinking to many of my subjects. This was mostly so in Biology class where application questions were on my tests and exams. I also began to take some notes, and began to use flashcards for both my English and Spanish vocabulary terms. I was glad to be finally done with that school year although I knew that I would be moving on to an...