2018 Summer Highlights

Although I started school at the beginning of this month, I still have to list my summer highlights, like I did last year. There may be some similarities to that article because I tend to do a lot of the same things each summer. Finishing School … And Starting Again for the Last Time Finishing 11th Grade was quite a challenge because of the Plane Geometry and Chemistry courses I took. My schedule also got extremely busy with my two college courses. Everything was even more harder and I have no idea what to expect in 12th grade. Every time I think that school can't get worse, I am unpleasantly surprised by my workload for the year. I was actually really excited to get started on my 12th grade year because I am that type of person. I am going to have an Economics and American Government class, so I am really, really excited for those two. It's my last year of high school, so I will definitely have a breather after that is over. Vacation Bible School My church's ...