Article Redos

I decided that instead of four new articles I would update three old articles. These articles are three book reviews and my article about the blogs I read. In January, I introduced a new book review format and I will be updating my past three book review articles to line up with that format. It will kind of be like a new article because I basically scratched the old ones and rewrote them. The verses, intros, conclusions, and notices are all timed to the old article. Only the actual reviews themselves are new. I will try to remind you guys about this change in the previous articles. Here are the four articles I will be updating: February 19, 2018: 2017 Summer Reads ~ Part 1 February 26, 2018: 2017 Summer Reads ~ Part 2 March 19, 2018: Late 2017 and Early 2018 Book Reviews March 26, 2018: Blogs I Read And on another note, Anna at Intertwining Melodies did the Book Lover's Questionnaire Tag: